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I’ve worked as a radical mental health coordinator and outreach specialist, a peer counselor, a group moderator and facilitator, and a health educator, among other community based activist work. I’ve coordinated groups and organized events for more than two decades. I’m active in my Indigenous community, and committed to serving my elders and those who come after me. I’m firmly rooted in a liberatory, decolonizing, justice centering framework, and I offer support to clients based on those values.

I’ve completed the North American Students of Cooperation Institute’s Popular Education Training, Community United Against Violence’s Speaker’s Bureau Training, National Conference for Community and Justice’s Anti-Oppression Facilitator’s Training, Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective’s Transformative Justice Study, as well as many smaller workshops/trainings/retreats focusing on race, gender, class and sexuality justice. I served on the advisory board focusing on transgender health at Callen-Lorde Health Center, and currently serve on the Folsom Street Fair board, focusing on space for women and trans folks. I’m a co-creator and founder of the Dyke’s Only space at the SF Dyke March. I’ve been teaching, speaking and working at the intersection of mental health, sex and sexuality and social justice for twenty years and have taught at Columbia University, New School, Yale, NYU, and many community based educational and activist events and spaces.

I’m working on an ICF certification to continue centering a return to one on one client work via the Academy for Coaching Excellence, and expect to complete the hours for that certification by summer of 2020.

Interested in what I can bring to you as a coach? Drop me a line below!


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